Blog posts
- 2015-06-22 D-Bus and OSGi
- 2015-06-19 OSGi Service Selection
- 2015-06-18 Anaemic Domain Models
- 2015-06-09 Some osgi-related news
- 2015-05-15 High-performance remote OSGi service calls
- 2013-07-08 MyBatis Performance with OSGi
- 2013-03-26 OSGi Foundations
- 2015-12-19 The Eclipse P2 Artifact Repository
- 2015-12-19 Overview of the Eclipse4 Architecture
- 2015-06-18 Anemic Domain Models
- 2015-06-11 OSGi-aware Serialization
- 2015-06-09 OSGi Artifact Resolution and Build Tools
- 2015-05-23 OSGi and Dependency Injection
- 2015-05-15 High-performance remote OSGi service calls
- 2013-03-04 OSGi Services
- 2013-03-04 OSGi Classloading
- 2013-03-04 OSGi Security
- 2013-03-04 10 Min Intro to OSGi
- 2013-03-04 OSGi Configuration